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Teaching in the Digital Art Studio

Professor: Katie Barko

Digital Photography Project


This project was created with a long exposure photography app, flashlights, and colored Christmas lights.  


The goal of this project was to make lines and textures with a long exposure photography app and lights found around the house. I had a family member take a strand of colored Christmas lights and move them around while I took a long exposure photograph on my phone. 


Prior to this project, my ART 212 class was learning about photography and different types of photography projects we could give to our future students. This project acted as a practice for how to take long exposure photographs and demonstrated how we could incorporate photography into art education.

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: Collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Unwelcome Emotion Object Wreath Project


This project was created with images from the Internet and Adobe Photoshop.


The goal of this project was to illustrate an “unwelcome emotion” in a wreath using images of objects and Adobe Photoshop. The “unwelcome emotion” I decided to convey was stress and the overwhelming feeling I have with time and all I have to do. The objects I chose relate to time, school, and how I organize it all – all things that stress and overwhelm me at points. I found images of my objects and then with Photoshop, I selected the individual objects I wanted from the images. I then duplicated, moved, and arranged all of my objects into a coherent wreath that visually represented my “unwelcome emotion”.


In my ART 212 class, we learned the basics of Adobe Photoshop and specifically how to use the move and selection tools. This project allowed us to demonstrate the skills taught in class while also serving as a way to express our everyday bothers in life. 

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Identity Portrait Project


This project was created with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.


The goal of this project was to develop an identity portrait of ourselves with Adobe Photoshop and any other programs we might want to use. I decided to take a branding approach in this project and focused on the three career fields I am going into: teaching, design, and art. I first adjusted and edited a self-portrait in Adobe Photoshop and then I made icons that reflected my initials and my three career fields in Adobe Illustrator. I then combined my self-portrait and icons into one final piece. 


In Art 212, my class went over how to adjust and edit photos in Adobe Photoshop. This project combined the use of skills learned in class and creative freedom. There were no hard guidelines for this project, except that we had to include a self-portrait. This allowed for creative exploration beyond the skills we learned in class.  

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: Collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Vector Animal Drawing Project


This project was created with Adobe Illustrator. 


The goal of this project was to make an animal illustration in Adobe Illustrator with the pen tool. I chose to make an illustration of my dog. I illustrated him in small chunks and with many layers. I first illustrated his ears, then his face, collar, and body. I made sure that each layer was cohesive with the others so that when he was all illustrated, he would look complete and well-executed. 


In Art 212, my class learned about the Adobe Illustrator pen tool and how to create illustrations with it. This project helped us learn and get comfortable with using the pen tool.

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: Collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Stop-Motion Animation Project


This project was created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Premier Pro.


The goal of this project was to make a stop-motion animation using any tools and/or programs. I chose to make a stop-motion animation of a cupcake being eaten bite by bite. I made individual scene illustrations in Adobe Illustrator and then I put them all on a video timeline in Adobe Premier Pro to make my own digital art version of a stop-motion animation. 


In my ART 212 class, we learned about animation and how animations started out as stop-motion animations. The project we completed gave us a taste of the process of animation and showed us how complex ideas and practices can be articulated into simple and manageable projects that we can teach our future students.

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: Collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Glitch Art Project


This project was created using a text editor and a digital photograph.


The goal of this project was to glitch a digital photograph into a new artwork by changing the properties of the original photo in a text editor. I had never worked with glitching and the process was very experimental. I simply removed articles of text from the digital photograph’s information in a text editor until I was happy with the end result of the new photograph. 


Before this project, my class was learning about various forms of digital art. We learned about glitch art and viewed examples of it in popular media. This project gave us an opportunity to try out glitching and demonstrated a unique digital art form that could be used in our future classrooms. 

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: Collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.


Aiste Stancikaite Hand-Out
Petra Cortright Hand-Out
3 Apps Hand-Out

These handouts go over two multimedia artists, Aiste Stancikaite and Petra Cortright, and three apps for digital art teachers.

The goal of these projects was to research and gather information on artists and apps related to digital art. To make these handouts, I first researched each artist and app. I then gathered my findings into a handout that I designed using Adobe Illustrator.

In ART 212, my class learned about digital artists and programs that we could apply to our future lessons. This project provided us with even more resources that we can use when we begin our teaching. 

1D: Understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.

2D: Collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Project and Supporting Materials
Supplementary Lesson Plans and Supporting Materials
Artist Example

These files include a complete lesson plan, supporting materials for the lesson plan, and an artist example of the lesson.


This lesson plan teaches fourth graders how to combine traditional and digital artwork into one piece. The lesson involves artist analysis, research, and the creating of both traditional and digital art. 


In ART 212, we learned about a lot of programs used to create digital art. One of the programs we learned about was Adobe Photoshop. I decided to have the main part of my lesson use Adobe Photoshop because of it's wide range of uses and connections to the traditional art world.

5B: Understands principles and techniques, along with advantages and limitations, associated with a wide range of evidence-based instructional practices.
5C: Knows how to implement effective differentiated instruction through the use of a wide variety of materials, technologies, and resources.
5D: Understands disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional approaches and how they relate to life and career experiences.

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